During my struggle with infertility, there were about 4 big lies that I believed. It felt like a wrestling match–trying to get out from being constantly pinned down. Trying to struggle free.
But it wasn’t the “lies” that pinned me down, it was the “Liar” himself. He was the one who didn’t want me up. He was the one who wanted me to confuse his subtle whispers of despair with the truth. He was the one trying to stamp out my hope.
If you are barren, or infertile today, maybe you aren’t even sure what the “lies” you might believe are. Well, if so, please keep reading because I’ve written out those 4 nasty lies–and the truth to set you free!
If you are truly in this place, this barren place, I encourage you to read through these carefully and slowly each day as they come out. Really pray and ask God to reveal any lies that have raided your heart. And ask Him to set you free from believing false things that do not line up with his Word. He is the only One who can truly set you free. And I believe with all my heart, He will.
That’s why I’m only gong to share Lie #1 today, and one lie per day following this post as a little mini-series.
This post was first published as a guest post I wrote for my friend Elisha over at Waiting for Baby Bird. So if you would like to read the full post today please head over there! If you are on the journey of infertility, I highly recommend her blog. Pretty much any thought that’s gone through your head during your infertility journey–she has a post about it! She has a beautiful heart, and I promise you will love her.
4 Lies The Barren Woman Believes {And The Truth to Set You Free}
Lie #1: “My womb is dead, I am dead.”
If you are infertile, or barren, you may feel like you are dead. After all, the very definition of the word “barren” means “unfruitful, unable to produce.” Kind of like a dry, barren wasteland, where nothing is growing, right?
Truth: Although your womb may be currently barren, your spirit doesn’t have to be. If you are a believer in Jesus: He has made you alive. (Ephesians 2:5 ESV) And nothing can take that life away from you. Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:28 ESV) This is important to understand because God’s definition of “life” and “death” are different from our culture’s definition. Death and Life are more than just what is happening in your physical body–because you are more than just a physical body. There is a spirit part of you. God has created a spirit in you, with His very breath. You bear His image, and the Holy Spirit really does live in you. That’s why you can be spiritually alive, even when your physical body is suffering. Paul wrote, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16 ESV)
Even though your womb cannot conceive right now, you can still be fruitful and alive in Christ.
When I was barren, I wrote a song that I believe God gave to me to help me through that season. It was written as if God Himself were singing it to me. The lyrics were:
“There’s Someone living inside you,
though not a child tucked inside your womb,
but it’s my Holy Spirit, who conquered Jesus’ tomb.
He’s alive, He’s alive, He’s alive,
Hear Him roar!
And you’re alive, you’re alive,
More than ever before.”
Be set free today! Your infertility no longer defines you. Your physical ailments no longer define you. God defines you. And He calls you: alive.
So, wake up living one and breathe, and exhale, and know that God has made you alive.
To read the full post head over to Waiting For Baby Bird. Or look for the rest of this 4-part series coming out each day this week.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart and the Truth of His Word on my blog! I appreciate you so very much! xo
I so appreciate the compassion you share on here. I feel like it can be so hard for others to relate to a struggle like infertility, it is so personal and can hurt so deep. I personally have been married for 15 years and we have been trying for 5 years to have a baby; although I fully believe our day will come the day-to-day struggle is real. I find the enemy’s lies can be so quiet and subtle and then one day you wake up and they have become louder than the truth. Thank you for using your voice to attack those lies, I have been devouring your blog and the Lord has been using it to give me a renewed strength. So thank you for using your words to speak life <3
I am so happy that the Lord is speaking to your heart and ministering to your spirit. That is the best thing I could hope for in writing this blog. I am so thankful He is drawing you to Himself and satisfying you with His presence. I know the struggle is so hard, and so long, and often lonely. But you are not alone, and I pray the Lord reveals His perfect will for you and your husband in His perfect time. You are so precious. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. I am honored to have you reading! Much love to you!
Rebekah 🙂
Thank you so much, I live and work in Nigeria, just came across your blog a few days ago and I’ve really been blessed by it. I have been trying for a year 8months now, I read the word of God, confess it and all, and decided not to visit the hospital and leave all to God, but last month I thought it will be good to know what the issue is, but I have been feeling so guilty, you know that feeling like am I doubting God and believing the doctors more. The truth is I have never doubted and don’t but am 35 now, and feel I should check it out, what is your advise.
Thanks and have a blessed day.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me! I am so glad God led you here, and I hope He continues to encourage your heart. Keep putting your hope in the Lord, reading His word, pouring out your heart to Him, and surrendering your heart to Him. I know it’s so hard, and it feels like an eternity of waiting–especially when you don’t know what God’s plan is. But keep trusting God’s character, even when you don’t know His plan. My biggest suggestion is pray about what God wants you to do. In my experience with infertility, there were times where I felt God was saying not to pursue any medical routes, and other times when I felt like He gave permission to pursue those same medical routes. According to my conscience, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with going to the doctors and trying to find out if there is something wrong. If you find out there is a reason preventing you from getting pregnant, then you will have a choice to make about what you want to do from there. (But you must do whatever God is leading you to do!) If He shows you not to do anything with doctors, put your faith in Him. And if He shows you to go to the doctors and pursue a medical remedy, put your faith in Him. Either way, keep trusting in Him to lead you through this. I pray He gives you wisdom and discernment over what to do. I believe he will show you and your husband what direction to go, or not go. Much love, and wisdom from above!
Rebekah 🙂