For some reason Christmas was the hardest, when I wanted to have a baby, and couldn’t. There was just something so magical, and warm, and bright–that made me feel like I should be pregnant. By now.
Maybe it was all the hope, or the wonder, that seemed to stir the longing just a little bit more.
I still remember the time I was decorating for Christmas, and felt something in my Christmas stocking…I reached in thinking it must be a stray Snicker’s bar from last year. But what I pulled out wasn’t candy–it was a little baby stocking. I don’t even know how it got in there. But I held it in my hand, and felt the fabric in with my fingers. And all the tears came then, and all the Christmas lights blurred. And I sat on the couch and wept. No words were needed when my husband saw it in my hand. He came over and cradled me in his arms, brushing away my tears with his fingers.
What I had to remember in those days, as I longed for a miracle, was that there was a miracle.
Even if there was not one in my womb.
There was a miracle.
He was born in a barn, in a stable, in the straw, two thousand years ago. His teenage mama pushed out his warm slippery body, and held him on her chest in the moonlight. Skin to skin, breath to breath. The Son of God had come.
His name was Jesus. Immanuel.
God with us.
I know it hurts right now. I know other people may be announcing their “Christmas miracles.” You might have a sister, or sister-in-law, or cousin do a BIG, extravagant pregnancy announcement. And when they do, your head will swirl, and your heart will feel like it’s been stabbed inside. And on the outside you will smile and cheer. But later, in the bathroom, you will probably cry.
And that’s okay.
It’s okay to cry, big, hot tears that smear off all your make-up.
It’s okay when all the brokenness wells up inside of you, that it overflows.
Because that brokenness is why Jesus came.
That brokenness is what separated us from God forever.
And that brokenness, will be healed in the life to come.
And this is a miracle.
As you long for a baby, don’t forget the Baby.
Because He came for desperate people, who desperately needed to be rescued. We would have literally had to spend our eternity in hell, separated from God, forever, if He didn’t come. And this is more haunting, than any one of us can even ever imagine.
But His coming, as a baby, made a way, for the biggest miracle of all—your salvation.
The biggest battle of all–the battle for your soul–was fought and won, when Jesus died on the cross for your sins. And He rose in victory–that one day you would rise with Him. And reign with Him forever.
God won you back from the grip of sin and death and hell.
He paid a high price for you, the highest price He could pay
–His only Son. Jesus Christ.
Because He was the ONLY one who could break your bondage, break your chains. And He did. He does. Even now…as you turn to Him.
If the Father did not send Jesus to die for us, it would not matter how good our lives were, or if we got everything we wanted, and had all the beautiful babies we wanted, and had all the careers we wanted, and houses we wanted, and dreams we ever had come true.
Because if Jesus didn’t come, it wouldn’t matter how long and wonderful our life was. We would die in our sins.
We would spend eternity separated from God, under His wrath, as enemies of God.
The Scriptures are precious, they are not cliche, they are the truth, they are God’s words, and one of the only things that will stand forever. And they say,
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
And this is what Christmas is really about.
It’s about Jesus.
It’s about desperately needing Jesus and Him coming–as a baby.
He is the miracle you need this Christmas.
Let Him be the one you most long for.
Because this Baby is coming back.
But He’s not coming back as a baby, but as a King. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. With all the armies of heaven riding in behind Him. And He will be exalted and glorious. With fire in His eyes, and a sword upon his side, and his face will shine like the sun in all it’s strength–and His voice…His voice will be like many rushing waters. (See Revelations 1:12-16)
That’s a picture of the Jesus that’s coming back for you. And I’m telling you–you want to be on His side. You want to fight on His side of the battle. Because He is the King. Risen and Victorious. The Kingdom is His, and the power is His, and the glory is His–forever and ever.
And all the nations will bow before Him. And every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
And there is a beautiful promise,
“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)
Just pause and behold this miracle:
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
This is the Christmas miracle you’ve been longing for.
It’s Jesus.
He did come. And He is coming back–as King. And one day, we will be with Him–Immanuel. God will be with us, and we will be with God. It will be better than a thousand Christmas mornings. And our hearts will leap with wild joy. And He Himself will be with us. And He will wipe every tear from your eyes. And death will be swallowed up forever.
And He will make all things new. (See Revelations 21, and the book of Revelations for full context.)
So this Christmas, as you long for a baby, don’t forget the Baby–
who is coming back as King.
And as you deeply long for a Christmas miracle, I pray you long deeper still for Jesus Christ.
He is worthy of all your longing, all your expectation, all your hope–throw them onto Him. For He will not fail.
And He is worthy of all your adoration, all your trust, and all your deep worship.
He is the River you thirst for. And He invites you to come and drink of Him this Christmas. Come pour out your heart to Him, and let Him pour out His water on you. Let Him pour out His Spirit into your dry, and barren places–for He will. He will take you from barren to beautiful–on the inside, in your soul. He offers Living Water, that you may not thirst anymore, and that it may become in you a spring of Living Water, flowing from your soul.
And He invites all who are thirsty, to come, and drink. Incline your ear to Him, listen to Him, and eat what is good.
And if the miracle you hoped for, didn’t come. Take heart. Claim Him as your Christmas miracle. Because, He is.
Over, and over, over again.
And He is coming soon, and one day, you will see Him. The King, exalted and glorious.
And you will hear a voice, like the sound of many rushing waters.
This was so beautiful and full of truth that heals. Thank you for pointing us to our constant miracle… our Jesus. ?
Thank you… Just what I needed. May God bless you immensely.