Yes. You can do it!
The past few summers I’ve taken a deliberate BREAK from Facebook and social media. Was it weird? At first, yes. You can read about how I realized I had a scrolling-addiction, and when that little blue app was gone, I turned to Amazon. There, I found myself, somehow scrolling random peoples comments on products, or books, etc. Like, what?
Why was I doing this?
Habits. (As Charlotte Mason would agree!) I was habitually trained to do this. Now, as you know, I am not a “sciencey” kind of person. I like nuance, and to be subjective, and say things in a romantic way. It’s just the Anne of Green Gables in me.
But listen, I’ve learned something from cutting social media the past few summers.
And it’s this: Social Media affects the soul.
(You can read about my full experience here in, “5 Things I Learned From a Summer Off of Social Media“, or listen here!)
What happened in the summers I’ve spent “off” social media:
-I’ve found it easier to get into my Bible, and meditate on God’s Word (without interruptions)
-I learned to read “real, whole books” again. Not fragments of thoughts and opinions. (And good, well-written books!)
-I’ve felt more love for my local church and actual neighbors, and friends
-I’ve been able to do a TON more writing (working on writing several books)
-I’ve felt less irritated and angry when I go to bed at night (no comments rolling around in my head)
-I’ve felt/and been more creative (the writing I do in the summers comes from a more “overflowing” and “living” sort of place)
-I’ve been able to focus on my kids and husband more
-I’ve been more active
-I’ve been much, much happier, and so much more peaceful
I’d say those are a LOT of benefits for simply cutting one thing out of my life. And I’m not the only one. In summers past, many of my readers have written to me saying these SAME kinds of things. That it was hard at first, but overall, a huge shift in their mental health (less angry, less anxious, and more peaceful) and in their ability to enjoy God and his creation. All from deleting one little app!
So, without any further ado, I’d love to invite you to join me in this summer’s…
Summer Facebook Fast!
(a summer where you come to life again, and enjoy the good blessings, and beautiful creation + people God has surrounded you with!)
There are 2 options:
- The Sprint. This fast is simply the month of June. Delete your apps, and go enjoy God!
- The Marathon. This fast is from June 1-September 1. (I’ve done the marathon the last few years, and have absolutely found it a fruitful, and restorative time!)
What about work?
If your job requires you to use social media, here is another way you “fast.” Simply create, post, and connect within your own profile and then close out of the app. In other words, do not scroll. This will take much discipline. Do not watch people’s “stories.” Just do what you need to do for your job, and then go. Get the email addresses you need, and finish any necessary conversations there.
What about missing out?
Yes. I have FOMO (fear of missing out) too! Guess what? You will miss out. You will miss out on some good Marketplace deals. You will miss out on some pretty heated debates. You will miss out on people posting heretical content. You will miss out on some events. You will miss out on some big life events of people you don’t know that well. You will miss out on scrolling for little pockets of time. Maybe this is how you relax right now.
But. What you will gain–is so much more.
For you will rediscover the beauty of the Secret Place. You will rediscover, what it means to truly be “hidden” in Christ. You will be “unseen” for a time by your community, your followers, your friends. But you will be seen by God. The same God who warned, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:1) He warned us in love, to give us what is best for us. And praise from men, and attention from men, is not what he has created us for. But rather praise from God.
Our culture is literally set up to turn us into Pharisees. We have been trained to love the glory of men, more than the glory of God. But lean in here, just a little. This summer, do something extremely practical. Get out the pruning shears. And cut out Facebook, or Instagram, or TikTok, or all of them. Abide in the True Vine. Then watch and wait, as you become more fruitful. With fruit that will last.
Pray about this, ask God about it and see if he doesn’t woo you to himself?
If he calls, answer him.
The Lord waits to be gracious to you.
He rises to show you compassion.
He says, “O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted,
behold, I will set your stones in antimony,
and lay your foundations with sapphires.” Isaiah 54:11
Let him lay those foundations this summer. Upon himself. He’s the only one who can.
For the same God who warns us about practicing our righteousness to “be seen by them,” also promises a great reward.
And that reward is him.
“To know him..” wrote Paul. Was the one thing, that everything else paled in comparison a thousand times over. And looked like rubbish. Hollow, empty, waste.
“To know him…”
Is the most beautiful, and fruitful ambition you could have this summer. I promise.
Here is His promise for the Secret Place (the forgotten place, that no one is talking about):
“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:6
Dear ones, this summer you will pray in secret. You will learn in secret. You will serve in secret. You will write in secret. You will at times long for the gratification that comes from being seen online. You will at times wonder if you’ve totally missed out on all the good opportunities you would have found, or that would have found you. You will at times feel like you are out of the loop. That you could be accomplishing more and be more effective if you were sharing your grand thoughts and ideas and photos and discoveries with the world. But He promises you this:
“And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
What could be better than to be seen by him? To be known by him? And to see him, and know him in return?
Oh, I pray if the Lord leads, you will join me this summer–in the secret place.
How to join?
Simply delete your apps and don’t add them back on until your fast is up. If you’d like to let me know you are joining so I can pray for you–My email list is a bit under construction right now. But, you can leave a comment on this post, or you can email me directly at [email protected] and just say:
“I’m in for the Sprint.”
Or, “I’m in for the Marathon.”
Here is that email again so you can copy and paste it easily: [email protected]
[Still not sure?
Listen to my invitation in podcast form here:
Barren to Beautiful: Episode 1 “How Not To Regret This Summer”]
Let us throw off everything, the sin that so easily entangles, and run with perseverance the race he has marked out for us. And let us run it with joy!
That we may find Him.
In all His beautiful fullness.
Now go, enjoy the Secret Place with him.
I am praying for you,
Lizmat says
Hey dear! This is beautiful. And very much needed.