January, February, and March feel like the awkward puberty months of the year. I just don’t know what to do…
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“Do Not Be Offended By Me,” A Story of Stillbirth and the Goodness of God
In the few days between learning that Noah had died and giving birth to his lifeless body, I awakened throughout the night, unable to sleep, knowing that my child had passed away in my womb. During those nights, God filled my mind with Scriptures and songs. And I kept hearing that phrase, “Do not be offended by me.”
The Last Time You Nurse Your Baby
Nobody talks about it. The last time you nurse your baby. You hear about the “guilt” moms experience when they wean their child, or go back to work. But what you don’t hear about though, is the grief.
The quiet grief of weaning.
Bethany’s Testimony
After being married for seven years, my husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. After three…
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Tanya’s Testimony
I’d like to share my testimony to all the ladies out there. Keep on keeping on, and trust in God…
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