As I was driving in the car yesterday morning, I was halted by this single reality: God is the most important thing. All the questions, desires and requests I had been asking Him that morning suddenly just—stopped. And this question came instead: Do you want God, for God? Or for what He can give you?
It’s a question I haven’t answered since I was in the midst of barrenness two years ago.
Do you want God, just for God?
How rarely I get up early just to go sit in His presence. Just to be with Him. Just to desire Him for Him.
This morning I read Psalm 63.
And it was so simple.
My soul thirsts for you. My flesh faints for you. My soul clings to you.
Often my desire for God is combined with a thousand other requests and petitions. Which is good. I really believe my God can answer every one. But sometimes in the midst of those “requests,” I lose my desire just for Him. Alone.
I no longer realize His preciousness.
To those who feel empty…you were made for God.
You were created to worship God. Not His world, not His gifts…but God Himself.
God is the most important thing.
So throw off the sin, and distractions, and desires that so easily entangle. And run. To God. For God.
“Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.” Psalm 63:3
We all get caught up at various points in our lives in this same rat-race! We must stop it and DESIRE GOD ONLY FOR HIMSELF ALONE AND THE BLESSINGS WILL FOLLOW!
Yes! He really is the greatest blessing of all. I love this quote from Augustine:
“God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.” How true. We really were created for God, and can be satisfied in Him alone. Thank you for commenting! 🙂
Great reminder. Thank you.
Thanks for reading! I was so blessed by realizing this the other day, that I just had to share. I feel that I need to simply start seeking His face again. Sometimes I lose that desire. And I pray God rekindles that desire to seek Him, just for Him. 🙂
I just found your blog and feel so blessed that I did. I just recently have felt the desire to really come closer to God. I couldn’t agree more with what you said. I yearn for that closeness between God and myself. Not so that He will answer any plea in particular, but just to feel of his spiritual embrace. When I feel close to God, I know I can overcome any obstacle. Thank you for this post and for so openly sharing your faith 🙂
Thank you so much! I love that you are desiring God. And I love how God draws us to Himself. Sometimes it’s easy for me to lose sight of Him, as the most important thing. But this week, I am trying to enjoy Him, just for Him. Yesterday I was reading C.S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair and (I don’t know if you are familiar) but the one character Jill is trying to explain to Aslan how they got into Narnia. She is convinced that they brought themselves there, but I LOVE Aslan’s response to her, he says, “You would not have called to me, unless I had first been calling to you.” Ah! It gave me chills to read that, because I realized we do not call to God unless He is calling to us. He is calling to you. And to me–and that is thrilling. Oh, that we would run toward Him as we hear Him call.
Thank you for sharing that! I love C.S. Lewis. He is a favorite of mine and so so wise! I agree, at times I feel a tug on my heart to come closer to God. Sometimes I follow the tug and sometimes I resist. Here is to allowing my heart to be open to his love, his voice, and his gentle tugs. So glad I found your blog! 🙂