My husband and I had gotten married in 2012 and had always been open to starting a family from the beginning. Naturally, I thought this was going to just happen because I came from a family that could easily get pregnant. My internal struggle began after months of feeling disappointed. My heart longed to be a mom. My heart longed to have a family.
We decided to get some things tested to see if we needed help. Through this testing we decided to stay a more natural route with no interventions. After one of my many appointments, I heard God speak to me. I was in tears walking out of the doctor’s office and I heard loud and clearly, “Trust me.” My tears stopped flowing and I knew that I needed to turn over all of my pain, discouragement and anger to God and exchange it for hope.
We continued to live our married life which came with its ups and downs. My husband had changed jobs a couple of times and even went a period of time without a job. We continued to live in our apartment and dreamed about starting a family and owning a home. I remember one night I was just crying. The kind of crying where you can’t catch your breath. My heart was just hurting for all the things that my heart desired. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. I got on my knees and raised my hands and just told God to take all of the pain. Well, He answered by stopping my tears. I again heard him say, “Trust me.”
My prayers changed from asking Him for what I wanted—to praising Him and telling Him, “Thy Will Be Done!” I let go of control and decided to start living and serving Him in the moment.
After another year of being open to whatever God had planned, my husband got a new job that provided enough income to buy a home in Oct. 2016. I had been struggling with my job for about 2 years, feeling like God wanted me somewhere else. March 1, 2017, I put in my resignation and decided to follow God as he led me to a new career.
April 4th 2017 God answered yet another prayer. I had gotten my very first positive pregnancy test! I couldn’t believe my eyes. God had answered all of our prayers. We are due in December 2017 and can’t believe God chose us to be parents to this peanut. His timing and plan was more perfect than anything I could have dreamed up. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.”
My prayer for anyone reading this is to sit in God’s presence. He hears you. He wants to hold you through this struggle. When you hurt, he hurts with you. May you feel his extreme love for you as he unveils your amazing story.
Wow, Danielle! Thank you so much for sharing you testimony. It’s so encouraging to read stories not only that we can relate to, in our struggles, but also rejoice with, in the end, as God is answering every prayer!! I love how you made a point to say that when we hurt, God hurts with us. That is so true, and in so many areas of our lives. What an exciting time for you and your husband!! Thank you again for sharing with us.
If you would like to share your testimony of how God has healed your womb, or how He has healed, or is healing your soul (whether or not you have a baby) please email me at [email protected] and check out the writer’s guidelines at “Want To Share Your Testimony?” I feature a Testimony each Tuesday, you can also subscribe with your email address, or follow along on my Facebook Page.
Love, Rebekah
What a beautiful story! Praising God with you!! Congrats Danielle!?