What if there is a beautiful view He wants you to see—but social media is keeping a pair of blurry glasses over your eyes? What if there is something He wants to say—but social media is adding in the clamor of a thousand other voices into your ears, drowning Him out? I’m not promising you that if you surrender social media the rest of this summer it will be an earthquake , or a wind, or a fire, but perhaps, it will simply be His still small voice, whispering, telling you something that no one else can tell you. Because He is God.
My 7 Most Influential Reads of 2014
What we read or meditate on deeply affects how we think and ultimately, who we become. As the year ends,…
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To My Friends Who Lost Desire
As I was driving in the car yesterday morning, I was halted by this single reality: God is the most…
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